Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A diet is nutrient rich in vitamins and antioxidants

..........ensure you diet is rich in– vitamins and antioxidants

Vitamins are chemically substances (meaning they contain carbon) essential for regulating both the metabolic functions within the cells and the biochemical processes that release energy form food. In addition, evidence shows that certain vitamins also act as antioxidants – substances that protect tissues from cell damage and possibly help prevent a number of degenerative diseases.

With a few exceptions (notably vitamins d and K), the body cannot manufacture vitamins on its own, so they must be ingested in food or nutritional supplements. There are 13 known vitamins that can be categorised as either fat-soluble ( A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble ( the 8 B group vitamins and vitamin C). The distinction is important because the body stores fat-soluble vitamins for long periods (months or even years) so toxicity from accumulation is a risk; on the other hand, water soluble vitamins (except for vitamin B12) remain in the body for a short period of time and must be replenished more frequently.

Vitamin C and E are perhaps the best known antioxidants. The mineral selenium is also an antioxidant as are carotenoids such as beta-carotene (carrot), and lycopene (cooked tomatoes).

Enzymes and certain other compounds (e.g. glutathione) are manufactured by the cells themselves also act as antioxidants. A number of other substances, including certain herbs may also act as antioxidants ( e.g. green tea, grape seed extract, ginkgo biloba, cinnamon) are all thought to have antioxidant properties

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