Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Have sweat - will perspire out trace mineral !!

Minerals essential to good health

Sixty different minerals are believed to be needed for good health. A deficiency of any one might lead to an imbalance and therefore to a decline in health. The minerals can be divided into two groups:
1. Major - those found most abundantly in the body.
2. Trace - those which we require only in very small amounts.

Do we get enough minerals from our daily diet?
The mineral content of soils is seriously depleted due to centuries of agriculture and food production without replacing those minerals. Because of the food that we consume has been refined and processed it lacks nutrition. This leads many nutritionists to conclude that our dietary intake of minerals is much below our daily requirements for good health.
What Minerals should I take?
The human body needs 90 different nutrients in the diet on a daily basis for optimum health. These nutrients include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and three essential fatty acids. We can no longer get these nutrients from our diets alone.
Researchers have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most humans and animal’s do better on a diet of good nutritional.
It is a well known fact that Farmers and Vets use trace minerals on live stock. Whats good enough for a cow must be good enough for me? Is it any basis to the urban myth that the couch potato may live longer than the elite sports person, simply becasue the couch potato isn't sweating trace minerals out of thier armpit?

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