Our modern lifestyle today incorporates immeasurable stresses on our bodies, to the extent that seldom does one factor alone stand in our way of achieving the health goals we desire.
It is estimated we encounter some 70,000 toxic and harmful chemicals in our environment, some 2,500 in our food chain. We all suffer from some degree of malnutrition. Maybe we drink alcohol (10 oz kills 10,000 brain cells), or smoke something. Our culture dictates stress as normal. Due to this, our body suffers as a whole, not a bit here or a bit there.
This blog site provides a thumbnail sketch of therapies to do daily battle with modern health issues, to help you understand what you can do, what can help. (Cancer now takes 1 in 3 people, 1 in 80 was the statistic at the beginning of last century). Your decision as to what to do will always remain yours. In considering this, take stock of each area; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and material. Always recognising that in fact these areas are inseparable, and that the sum of the parts is greater than the total of the individual components.
Dreams are allowed and followed, nurture yours.
Recognise what may stop you achieving yours; change the circumstances, and move on to realise the potential of your life on this planet.
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