B.A ( Anthropology) Post Grad Diploma Education. 2014 Masters Student Information Studies
Monday, November 10, 2008
What more can there be to trace minerals ?
One of the important ingredients is Fulvic acid
Fulvic Acid turbo chargers your mineral supplement light years ahead of competitive products.
Fulvic Acid improves nutrient uptake & absorption.
Minerals and nutrients are carried directly to the cell.
Fulvic Acid actively pulls nutrients into the cell.
Over 60 different minerals naturally bind to fulvic acid.
Fulvic Acid actively transports toxic heavy metals out of the cellular environment.
The cell uses the electrical charge of fulvic acid balance its own electrical charge.
So look for colloidal minerals with fulvic acid when you want to turbo charge your nutritional uptake from your cell wall..... to your skeleton.
Ingredients to avoid for skin care health
The toxic ingredients listed below are commonly used in cosmetic products. This list is not comprehensive but can act as guide as to what to avoid.
These ingredients should be completely avoided as they have the potential to cause serious adverse effects:
o Acetone
o Acetonitrile
o Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate
o 2 – bromo – 2 - nitropropane – 1,3 diol (Bronopol or BNPD)
o BHA (Butylated hydroxianisole)
o BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene)
o Coal tar
o DEA (Diethanolamine)
o Diazolidinyl urea
o Dibutyl phthalate
o DMDM hydantion
o 1,4 Dioxane
o Ethyl and Methyl methacrylate
o Ether
o Formaldehyde
o Fluoride
o Hydroxyanisole
o Isopropanol (isopropyl alcohol)
o Imadiazolidinyl urea
o Methylene chloride
o Phenylmercuric acetate
o Phenylenediamine
o Phenol
o Polyvinyl pyrrolodene (PVP)
o Propylene glycol
o Quatenium
o Saccharin
o Sodium Laureth Sulfate
o Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
o Toluene
o Triclosan
o Triethenolamine (TEA)
These chemicals should be avoided if possible:
o Butylparaben
o Cocamidopropyl betaine
o EDTA (ethylendiaminetetra acetic acid)
o Glycerine
o Isopropyl palmitate (also known as isopropyl myristate or isopropyl isostearate)
o Lanolin
o Methylisothiazolinone and methylchloroisothiazolinone
o Polysorbate 60 and Polysorbate 80
o Retin A
o Salicylic acid
o Sorbitan Monolaurate
Sunday, October 19, 2008
40 foods your SHOULD have in your diet
Below is a wonderful list of foods that are great for the health of your body.
Apple seeds, alfalfa sprouts, apricot kernels, bamboo shoots, barley, beet tops, bitter almond, blackberries, brewer's yeast, brown rice, buckwheat,
cashews, cherry kernels, cranberries, currants, fava beans, flax seeds, garbanzo beans, gooseberries, huckleberries, lentils, lima beans, linseed meat, logan berries, macadamia nuts, millet, millet seed, peach kernels, pecans, plum kernels, quince, raspberries, sorghum cane syrup, spinach, sprouts: ( alfalfa, lentil, mung bean, buckwheat garbanzo),
strawberries, walnuts, watercress, yams.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What not to have in your food
Dictated by wealth, not health, food distributors and producers measure success in dollar terms. Our food is being stretched to go further and be more palatable.
What has made this possible?
1) Insecticides. Ask yourself “when did I see insects living in my food”
2) Fungicides. Fungi growth will flourish on living food. Where is the fungi on today's' food?
3) Flow agents, who wants the flour to be lumpy and coagulated?
4) Preservatives and processing. These are twin sisters of the modern diet.Processing releases oils, which oxidise and become rancid.
What goes in doesn't always come out. A body does not get good nutrition out of Insecticides and Fungicides. The human body wasn't designed to power up on preservatives and flow agents. In fact your body in its wisdom wraps this rubbish in digestive tract mucosa, and tact's it to the side of your digestive track, awaiting the day you do a proper Spring Cleanse. Not all spring cleanses are created equal. You can't eat and cleanse at the same time. You are either eating sorting out the building blocks of good nutrition. Or you are doing the real deal.
click here to link to more info on our four day Herbal Cleanse
Mediation on Making a Decision
When travel was slower and life required more uncommitted time there was opportunity to review. Today decision making is so often an intellectual exercise.
So, let’s create an environment a visualisation, create a space in a few minutes where decisions can be more effectively addressed. Find a quiet time, you must be undisturbed, and arrange yourself comfortably.
Now let your mind focus, focus on the screen of your imagination, see yourself, you are in a busy shopping mall, with many people and noise, hustle and bustle, clamour and business. Through this crowd you walk, shoulder to shoulder, pass bright lights, and shops. People getting shoulder massages, thriving food courts, cleaners with mops, piped music, foreign languages surround you. You are walking, walking towards an elevator, you step on and it takes you to a lower level, stainless steel glinting, a coloured lighted button, a downward lift opens. You step in and push the coloured button, the lift starts to descend. The floor lights flash past 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, G. The door slides open with a slight sigh, and you step out into a lighted foyer. .... Quietness. In front of you is a heavy adzed studded door of wood. A dark stained colour with brass fastenings. Your hand reaches out grasping the handle. You turn the handle and push the door open and walk through the open door way. The door closes behind you ... Quietness ... You are in a room. A large room. Empty. Make it as you will. Now start to build your space, what views, what balconies, windows, warm or cool. Cosy fire or a fresh breeze, from porch windows or doors. Now decorate your space. Use your emotions; reach down deep for feelings of comfort, security, relaxation, happiness. Reflect these in the development of your space.
Do you want a special companion who will come and go as you wish. Stretch out on the settee or carpet, chair or bed.
Be at peace, this is your personal space, no-one can enter without your bidding, it will be yours forever, you can visit it as you wish, the smells, sensations, and sights are available to you alone. Your place.
Now let your mind clearly define the question, the decision, (or stress). Staying in your space allow your mind to explore the reasons behind the decision, the possible outcome of each and every action you could take. Remember happiness comes from providing values in life. Which scenario will provide values for others, values for you, use your feelings, your brain (the computer) will process these. Allow time for the correct answer to evolve.
When ready, prepare to leave. Rise, gather your personals, close windows, door, attend to the fire, turn out your lights, open the door through which you came, into the foyer, into the lift, and up pass the floors as the lift rises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The door of the lift opens. You step out onto the elevator and rise again to the bright lights of the shopping mall, back with the hustle and bustle of the day. The clamour of society, the projection of our culture. For you there will always be your space, your retreat. You and only you have created it. As you move on you realise a freedom, any heaviness or depression is cut in half. Now action (in place of activity) can follow. The decision is made. Decisions right today may not be right “ tomorrow”. We are empowered to always make another decision.
(The word decision comes from the Latin word “ desisor” meaning “to cut in half”. How often the final relief from depression is the making of a decision)
The toll of stress and anxiety on your body
So, so, often the symptoms of stress and anxiety are seen simply as psychosomatic when in reality there often is an added stress on the body due to deficiency or/and malfunction making the present situation more difficult to handle.
Often enough these are:-
1) Calcium deficiency
2) B Vitamin deficiency in the daily diet
3) Lack of tryptophan intake
4) Malfunction of the spinal joints causing irritation to the central nervous system
5) Too great exposure to electrical circuit fields and associated appliances
6) The use of alcohol (causes stress and anxiety does not relieve it)
7) Any allergy reaction
When one is in the grip of anxiousness it is often difficult to acknowledge and attend to the above and more. The job of the naturopath is to understand and address the above complexity.
Then to devise practical assistance, where possible, with the projected stress or the focus.
Remember, there is no such thing as a stressful situation, only our reaction to the situation.
click here to read more about the programme we use to achieve great health for our clients
Enjoy each day
Today we experience life as we know it. Life with an endless succession of days, seasons, birthdays,
Christmas’s and years. Always there is another day season birthday or Christmas…
We can intellectualise, hope, believe, plan, and in so doing filling up today with distractions of yesterday or tomorrow. And thus miss out on experiencing the “preciousness” of life today, now, this minute.
Now you have to draw a chart of 870 squares, each square represents one month of your life (average life span of 72.5 years) to dig through the appearance to the essence of this experience put an X through however many months old you are now. The remaining is the time you have left to accomplish, experience, and create all you ever will in eternity.
This exercise will not work for you unless you actually, physically complete it and then reflect on what it means to you. If any aspect of health prevents you from fulfilling your time on the planet, physical mental, emotional or financial then deal to it now, do not delay nor neglect for you shall not stand again where you stand today.
Chart 30 squares across by 29 squares down
Setting a climate for health.
It is estimated we encounter some 70,000 toxic and harmful chemicals in our environment, some 2,500 in our food chain. We all suffer from some degree of malnutrition. Maybe we drink alcohol (10 oz kills 10,000 brain cells), or smoke something. Our culture dictates stress as normal. Due to this, our body suffers as a whole, not a bit here or a bit there.
This blog site provides a thumbnail sketch of therapies to do daily battle with modern health issues, to help you understand what you can do, what can help. (Cancer now takes 1 in 3 people, 1 in 80 was the statistic at the beginning of last century). Your decision as to what to do will always remain yours. In considering this, take stock of each area; physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and material. Always recognising that in fact these areas are inseparable, and that the sum of the parts is greater than the total of the individual components.
Dreams are allowed and followed, nurture yours.
Recognise what may stop you achieving yours; change the circumstances, and move on to realise the potential of your life on this planet.
Think first of your spine.
It is said that 80% of all problems in medical rooms has its origins in the loss of joint function. The boney structure of the spine, the vertebrae, are actually parts of joint function. A little movement of each allows us spinal flexibility.
The art, not the science of joint mobility is to recreate joint function. This allows blood to re-enter the area, muscles to expand and contract, and restoration of the autonomy of the nervous system, inflammation to facilitate rebuilding tissue, carrying in essential nutrients and carrying away waste. The time this takes for recovery depends on individual factors and is assessed individually during the first appointment. There is no such thing as a stressful situation – only our reaction to that situation.
click here to read more about joint function
What is an ionic mineral?
Another form of mineral supplements is a chelated mineral. These are inorganic as before, but they have been ‘wrapped’ with either an amino acid or a sugar coating, which allows more of the mineral to be absorbed. Typically only 12 to 2o% is absorbed by this method. Again the rest is excreted.Humans are designed to get their minerals from plant sources. Plants turn inorganic minerals into colloidal minerals using photosynthesis. Ionic minerals are about 1/600th the size of a red blood cell. Because of the size of the molecule, ionic mineral supplements can only be in liquid form.
Liquid ionic minerals - the best type of colloidal minerals on the planet !!
Make anitoxidants work for me.
Although oxygen is essential for life, it can also have adverse effects on your body. In the normal process of using oxygen, chemical changers create reactive unstable oxygen molecules called free radicals occur in the body: these free radicals can damage cells and structures within the cells, including genetic material (DNA) .
Free radicals also may form in response to external factors:
cigarette smoke and alcohol
pollutants like nitrogen oxide , ozone
forms of radiation like ultra violet light , x-rays.
If genetic material is affected, it can be replicated in new cells, contributing to cancer or other health issues.
Free radicals may also weaken artery walls, allowing to fatty deposits that can lead to heart disease.
Cells have special agents for combating free radicals and repairing molecular damage. These are called antioxidants. A lot of research suggests that antioxidants may play important roles in preventing or delaying heart disease, cancer, other ills, and may even slow down the effects of ageing.
What minerals does my body need?
Some important minerals often lacking in our diets include the following:
Calcium: Kidney stones. Osteoporosis, PMS, insomnia, heart, quicken reflexes, tooth decay, cramps, fragile bones, lower back pain, & and joint pain.
Boron: Absorption of calcium.
Chromium: Low blood sugar, diabetes, hypoglycaemia, reducing high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, wound healing.
Cobalt: Grey hair, varicose veins, energy, skin sags & and wrinkles.
Iodine: Weight problems, hair, teeth, nails, skin, goitre, anaemia.
Iron: Anaemia, energy, immune system, muscles, headaches, dizziness, flu, colds.
Magnesium: Depression, cardiovascular system, kidney stones, muscular spasms & and twitches, sciatica, angina, neuralgia.
Molybdenum: anaemia. Anaemia.
Phosphorus: Allergies, blood pressure, bones, diarrhoea, teeth, fluid retention, gastro intestinal disorders.
Selenium: Cancer, heart disease, dandruff, lungs, liver spots, arthritis, muscular dystrophy, radiation poisoning.
Tin: Deafness, male pattern baldness.
Vanadium: Cholesterol, diabetes, low blood sugar.
Zinc: Growth, cholesterol, impaired taste, learning difficulties, healing of burns, hair loss, dandruff, immune system, wounds, & and some skin disorders.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
EAT much more seaweed, for Health and Longevity
In this era of increased health concerns it makes sense to turn to the bounty of the sea for optimal nutrition. Fu coi don for health and longevity is a “must have” supplement, from the pristine sea waters of Tonga.
Immortality ? well maybe not. But how about optimising the genetic inheritance, experiencing the preciousness of life, giving yourself every known opportunity to add GOOD years to your life, perhaps many good years. This potential is worth millions of dollars to all of us.
The important issues we deal with for our own best health are:
Attend to body drainage
Maximise nutrient absorption from the gut
Whatever it takes, whatever the time, anywhere in the world, this limited commodity of life is your everything, your eternity.
A diet is nutrient rich in vitamins and antioxidants
..........ensure you diet is rich in– vitamins and antioxidants
Vitamins are chemically substances (meaning they contain carbon) essential for regulating both the metabolic functions within the cells and the biochemical processes that release energy form food. In addition, evidence shows that certain vitamins also act as antioxidants – substances that protect tissues from cell damage and possibly help prevent a number of degenerative diseases.
With a few exceptions (notably vitamins d and K), the body cannot manufacture vitamins on its own, so they must be ingested in food or nutritional supplements. There are 13 known vitamins that can be categorised as either fat-soluble ( A, D, E, and K) or water-soluble ( the 8 B group vitamins and vitamin C). The distinction is important because the body stores fat-soluble vitamins for long periods (months or even years) so toxicity from accumulation is a risk; on the other hand, water soluble vitamins (except for vitamin B12) remain in the body for a short period of time and must be replenished more frequently.
Vitamin C and E are perhaps the best known antioxidants. The mineral selenium is also an antioxidant as are carotenoids such as beta-carotene (carrot), and lycopene (cooked tomatoes).
Enzymes and certain other compounds (e.g. glutathione) are manufactured by the cells themselves also act as antioxidants. A number of other substances, including certain herbs may also act as antioxidants ( e.g. green tea, grape seed extract, ginkgo biloba, cinnamon) are all thought to have antioxidant properties
Have sweat - will perspire out trace mineral !!
Sixty different minerals are believed to be needed for good health. A deficiency of any one might lead to an imbalance and therefore to a decline in health. The minerals can be divided into two groups:
1. Major - those found most abundantly in the body.
2. Trace - those which we require only in very small amounts.
Do we get enough minerals from our daily diet?
The mineral content of soils is seriously depleted due to centuries of agriculture and food production without replacing those minerals. Because of the food that we consume has been refined and processed it lacks nutrition. This leads many nutritionists to conclude that our dietary intake of minerals is much below our daily requirements for good health.
What Minerals should I take?
The human body needs 90 different nutrients in the diet on a daily basis for optimum health. These nutrients include 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and three essential fatty acids. We can no longer get these nutrients from our diets alone.
Researchers have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most humans and animal’s do better on a diet of good nutritional.
It is a well known fact that Farmers and Vets use trace minerals on live stock. Whats good enough for a cow must be good enough for me? Is it any basis to the urban myth that the couch potato may live longer than the elite sports person, simply becasue the couch potato isn't sweating trace minerals out of thier armpit?
What type of small personal Scenar should I buy.

Well they say quality only hurts once!!
There are lots of personal small Scenar home type devices out there - and you do not want to go throwing good money after back.
And you want somewhere that has a full support, back up, and good training support.
so for us, at our Pain Relief Clinic, we have looked at the various devices, and have gone for the Enar device for five reasons.
There are 5 reasons we like the ENAR Personal Healer are:
1 Quality of build
– devices seldom break down
2 Ergonomic design
– The ENAR is more nifty and able to contact skin
3 Signal shape
– The ENAR has a ‘taller’ initial signal, more therapeutic
4 Research Proven
– ENAR is formally proven in Macquarie University
5 Training and support
- incl 101 Ways to use your Enar and DVD support
So there you have it, for us in our Clinic situation - what we need is robust, with good design features, because once we start to rely on a quality treatment for a clients, we can not afford to have any down time waiting for untimely repairs. We now have five Enars on the go, and are very pleased with the sales and support we have had from www.enar.com.au
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Fluids AND MORE, to flush out toxins
Drink heaps. Let the liquid help clean out your body tissues.
The chlorophyll is an excellent cleansing agent, and can be taken as a drink.
The cleansing regime is an ideal time to take advantage of the properties of chlorophyll.
Aim to drink at least six litres of fluid over the four days. This could be diluted fruit juice, vegetable juice, or sugar free tea. Add liquid chlorophyll to cold drinks.
Strained Vital Broth in cool weather works well.
Drink no coffee, alcohol, or soft drink while doing the cleanse.
2c carrot tops
2c potato peelings (2 cm thick)
2c beet tops
2c celery tops
2c celery stalks
2 liters distilled water
½ tsp vegemite or marmite ( a kiwi thing- for B vitamins)
Add a grated or chopped carrot and onion to flavour, if so desired.
Finely chop all ingredients, ( you won’t be eating any).
Bring to boil slowly, simmer for approx 20 mins.
Drink the broth only after straining.
It is strongly recommended to include liquid ionic trace minerals and a high powered liquid antioxidant, while doing the regime and to continue with these supplements as the basis of your improved nutritional regime
A Serious Deep tissue cleanse regime
The purpose of this regime is to assist the body to eliminate toxic waste which has accumulated through the total digestive system over a number of years. The need to do this is bought about principally by eating foods which have an inorganic content, primarily processed, refined, and overcooked foods.
Each day (morn, noon, night) take a herbs already prepared for you. Some of these herbs are designed to feed your adrenal gland as you fast, so that on the first day of the cleanse you may continue going to work. At the end of the first day do your enema.
Use an enema morning and night, at least! ( this is not a colonic).
The enema is a washing process to remove the toxic waste now being released,
into your large colon, it needs washing out to prevent your body reabsorbing its own toxins.
During your fast, you are relieving your body and its organs from the process of digestion,
so your body can get on with the job of cleaning house.
Listen to your body and let it heal itself.
Remember, in these four days you are reversing conditions which have taken years to develop.
click here to read more about our Serious Deep Tissue Herbal Cleanse
Only in the morgue, when it is dead, are the individual components available to be neatly displayed on the specimen table ready for text book photography. No way now for the body parts to communicate with each other or with our world, which they would normally do.
Dynamic health requires the organism to be working perfectly, an integrated, functioning, alive, single organism. Not a bunch of rather poorly made and poorly put together organs and pieces. To this end then, the following three disciplines are to be considered as integrated as the body itself. The experience of the preciousness of life is dependent upon the holistic nature of these three disciplines.
1. Drainage: - the body’s ability to cleanse waste matter (your body is one huge chemical reaction, made up of millions of chemical reactions) is dependent upon “open drains”, a myriad of drainage pathways which for one reason or another will become dysfunctional.
Much can be done, however, until “A Serious Deep Tissue Cleanse” is undertaken, little will be achieved.
2. Correct neurological function: - The most common disruption of information flow and body intelligence is spinal malfunction. With disruption to our central nervous system we will get amongst other things pain, vertigo, digestive tract malfunction, depression, insomnia, anxiety, and more. Nerve pressure, lack of neurological “massage”, decreased impulses, all lead to secondary problems, and account for a very high percentage of the Doctors waiting room. CORRECT treatment is essential to achieve dynamic status.
3. Nutrition: - the state of today’s’ food supply, reflects the attitudes to our civilisation and culture today. “Clumped” population basses of massive proportions, dictate a huge “raping” of the Earth's inherent fertility resources, and the massive invasive treatment of our food stuffs to ensure breakfast, lunch, and dinner for every person in this grossly overloaded system. In this statement lie the answers from global warming to diabetes. Yet we are visitors of this planet. In recognising this and applying science to be informed, we learn the need to source correct foods, and to supplement what is now missing in terms of minerals (building blocks) vitamins( catalysts) and skin requirements. (The body’s nutritional larder and manufacturing plant).
For dynamic health these three Disciplines must be individually addressed, no one manual will suffice.
Series of Health Guides
Introducing Alice Pitt
As an Enlightened Therapy, Enar and Scenar Trainer and Therapist, based in Wellington and the Wairarapa.I was really lucky to do over half my training in NZ,, and only had to leave home for level 3 Scenar training or to get to ET Conferences featuring overseas speakers. Being given the green light from ET to bring trainings to NZ, offers you a world of possibilities. Having NZ based courses, means you do not have to spend the cost of a new Enar just to get to Sydney for 2 sleeps, and a 9am to 5pm course
I also benefit too. As a Trainer I get to help you find answers– so I constantly get to review my own knowledge base.I am a hands on therapist, so I get to share with you the intelligence of the human body, working through Enar and Scenar .
As a number a folk want Certificates for Enar training or to do a refresher course,, both are one day trainings,, so you can fly into Wellington, catch the airport shuttle to my work,, fly home at the end of the day…… no accommodation costs,, and for those driving to the Wairarapa there is also a nice local bed and breakfast.
For about 6 folks interested in an ET training programme,, ET will pay my costs to come to you. So you get to sleep in you own bed.
I always recommend you bring along a partner to training,, other wise you end up being the “doctor”, treating every body,, and no one treats your body.
Partners get a real sweet heart deal from Enlightened therapies, and pay less,, I believe its A$200.You can contact Narelle any time on the FREE PHONE from NZ hot line 0800555755 and she will let you know where in NZ workshops are close to getting under way.Wellington 8th and 9th November 2008, plus Featherston 14th and 15 Feb 2009, look good at the present.Or you can just phone to let Narelle know how keen you are.
That’s how we got E. T to run trainings in NZ in the first place,, we made out own luck,, by asking when the next training was available. NZ was the first group offered the Advanced Enar course on Cosmetology....ALICE
so0O that’s it about me:Alice Pitt, level 3 Scenar Therapist and Trainer, located in Featherston, Wairarapa, and Wellington, New Zealand.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Drugless Therapy, In New Zealand
To this end we firmly believe a well and healthy body is one that puts out the garbage. Hence drainage is a must. And a body that is not swimming in its own toxicity is of up most importance. In all cases better out that in is our guiding motto.
Clean the body out, then follow it up with good nutrition.
There are some wonderful very successful supplements out there.
From ionic trace minerals, third generation antioxidants, and the best in seaweed nutrition prepares a body to take advantage of all life has to offer.
Then Scenar started to make its presence on our radar.
Research results, sustained change for the better, with reduction in pain, and improvements in body function.
Put the Scenar on the body, and encourage regulation of the human body, from regulation of hormones, amino acid production, mopping up free radicals.
So which works best??.. well they seem to work very well as a tag team.
Put the Scenar on the body attract calcium to an area of need, but only if the body has a good supply of calcium on board already !!
click here to read more about our system for detoxification