Monday, June 30, 2014

14 April 2014
National Library

LIANZA $35 Professional development at National Library for library Assistants

Friday, May 30, 2014

User Education Tutorial
Click on this title above to go to the tutorial, or cut and paste the youtube link above.

Online tutorials are the ABC building blocks of information literacy.
Information literacy is a process of building one skill set upon another.
Online tutorials are about enhancing the learning process, to target various learning styles

Aural learning styles are targeted when the power of the visual tutorial, is keyed in with the use of auditory prompts.  These can be words, or they can be auditory musical exclamation marks.
Visual learners can observe and understand.

Tactile learners can watch, then activate the learning process. By repeating the tasks and skills described in the user education tutorial, this is learning though experience.
The learning experience is a synergy of hand, eye, brain co-ordination.

User education supports the affective learning aims that tutors hold dear to their hearts.
Affective learning support learners to have positive inspirational and  attitudinal learning outcomes.